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This paper updates the Skoog-Ciecka (2001) worklife tables, which used 1997–1998 data, and the Krueger (2005) worklife tables, which used 1998–2004 data. The present paper uses data generated by the methodology Krueger devised in his 2003 PhD dissertation. We have pooled the data beginning January 2005 and continuing through December 2009, a period of five years, using observations matched a year apart. Thus, we have roughly four times the data in the first of the previous studies, and about that of the second. We chose this period for a variety of reasons, including recency, business cycle and trend considerations. The result is the most current and disaggregated set of worklife tables, along with extended probability calculations and statistical measures available to forensic economists.

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Copyright: © 2011 National Association of Forensic Economics
Figure 1.
Figure 1.

Life Expectancy at Age Zero by Gender and Calendar Year

Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Participation Rates by Major Segments of Labor Force

Figure 3.
Figure 3.

Probability Mass Function for Active Men Age 35 with BA Degress

Contributor Notes

*Gary R. Skoog, Department of Economics, DePaul University, Chicago, and Legal Econometrics, Inc., Glenview, IL; James E. Ciecka, Department of Economics, DePaul University, Chicago; Kurt V. Krueger, Senior Economist, John Ward Economics, Prairie Village, KS. Supplemental data material is available here.

Authors wish to thank Edward Foster for several astute observations that improved this paper. Three referees provided valuable comments that enhanced readability and content. We also are grateful to NAFE session participants at the ASSA meeting in 2011 for their comments. We thank Nancy Eldredge for her excellent work as Production Editor for our paper.