Editorial Review Policies
All papers published by the Journal of Forensic Economics (“JFE”) are double-blind, peer reviewed. The JFE accepts submissions of papers from members and non-members of the NAFE.
The JFE also invites papers from authors in the forms of Symposia papers and Commissioned papers. Symposia papers are selected by a Symposium Editor and are peer reviewed in the same manner as submitted papers. Commissioned paper authors are selected by the Board of Editors of the JFE from names submitted to the Board by the Editor of the journal. The Executive Editors and Associate Editors of the JFE review commissioned papers.
The review procedures for all papers considered by the JFE are as follows:
The Editors will seek the advice of the Board of Editors on issues of:
The Board of Editors’ other responsibliities, their appointment and their terms of office are specified in the NAFE bylaws. The appointment of the Editor and Associate Editors and their terms of office are specified in the NAFE bylaws.
- Submitted papers are initially screened by the Managing Editor for appropriateness for publication in the JFE. Papers are expected to have relevance to the field of Forensic Economics. The Production Editor screens papers for their conformance to the submission rules of the JFE in terms of legibility and form.
- Submitted papers accepted for review will be submitted to at least three referees assigned by an Executive Editor. Submitted papers include both original works and comments on previously published papers.
- Once the comments and recommendations of referees are received by an Executive Editor, he or she makes one of four decisions, which are:
- accepts the paper as written or with minor revisions;
- requests a revision of the paper for resubmission and a second review;
- submits the paper to an Associate Editor for a tiebreaker review, or;
- rejects the paper. Generally, comments of reviewers are sent to authors. All comments are anonymous.
- Accepted Comment papers will be sent to the author(s) of the primary paper for reply. Reply papers will be reviewed by an Executive Editor for acceptance. No more than one comment or reply paper on any primary paper will be accepted, by any one author.
- Book review papers will be reviewed by the Associate Editor of the JFE designated as Book Review Editor. The Book Review Editor will have responsibility for acceptance or rejection of such reviews.
- Symposia papers will be invited by a “Symposium Editor” designated by an Executive Editor upon approval of the Board of Editors. A Symposium Editor can only be listed as an author of one paper in that Symposium. Symposia papers will be reviewed in the same manner as submitted papers, except that one group of reviewers will review all the papers of the Symposium. The Symposium Editor will work with an Executive Editor in the review and approval process, hut final decisions to publish will rest with the Executive Editor.
- The Executive Editors and Associate Editors wlil review commissioned papers. Decisions to publish such papers wlil rest with the Editors.
- Editorial Board
- the appointment of Associate Editors
- the appointment and re-appointment of members of the Board of Editors
- the selection of Symposium topics and Editors and Commissioned papers, and
- the overall editorial policy of the JFE.