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Copyright: © 2006 National Association of Forensic Economics

Contributor Notes

*Pittsboro, NC. The ideas reflected in this article come from many contributors in addition to those named in the literature citations. Peter Skalak and Christopher Northup have each contributed over the past 20 years and more to the shaping and refining of many if not most of these ideas. They, Robert Passmore and attorney John Conley were especially helpful in formulating and implementing the intellectual property theft analysis discussed in Section VI. Elizabeth Glennie and Christopher Northup each played a central role in the formulation and implementation of the redistricting analysis discussed in Section IV, as did attorneys Edwin Speas and Tiare Smiley. Claire Osgood and Attorney Gregory McGuire were instrumental in the construction of the analysis of hiring decisions discussed in Section V. My thanks to all of the above and to both David Copus and Murray Simpson for their ideas, and for being such good listeners and thoughtful critics.